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The Research Institute for THE INDUSTRY FOUR (Abbreviated and popularly known as "TRIF-ti4" or simply as "TRIF") is our initiative to execute our Industry Research and Analysis Program.
Peter Drucker
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TRIF - The Research Institute for THE INDUSTRY FOUR
The Research Institute for THE INDUSTRY FOUR acts as a Research Institute and as a Research Analysis Wing for our portfolio of initiatives. A Research Analysis Wing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) provides valuable insights into new technologies and applications. The Research Institute for THE INDUSTRY FOUR monitor and analyze trends in the field, identifying emerging technologies and applications that are likely to have a significant impact. As Industry 4.0 is likely to have significant social and economic impacts, due to this, The Research Institute for THE INDUSTRY FOUR is focused on understanding and predicting these impacts. This may involve analyzing data on employment trends, economic growth, and other factors.
TRIF acts as an enabler for the development and improvement of our existing and upcoming capabilities and expertise. TRIF acts as a catalyst for the formulation and inclusion of industry best practices and these best practices become an integral part of our services. TRIF enable us to move from the fourth industrial revolution to the forthcoming industrial revolution.
TRIF has conceptualized and defined to execute our research and analysis program in 4 sequential stages, where the outcome of each stage becomes the input and enabler for the next successive stage. Further, each stage of TRIF has defined as a core function to fulfill the specific purpose of that stage, where this purpose is executed by a key process associated with a core function of a specific stage. The concept of TRIF is conceptualized to execute an all-inclusive, integrated, and ecosystem-based research and analysis program. We have defined the structure of TRIF with 4 Functions in an arrangement of 4 sequential Stages. Further, these 4 functions are equipped with a specific process at each stage.
Stage – 1 | Function – roe | Process – Analyze
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ROE – “Research of Ecosystem” is the core function defined in the 1st stage. The key process associated with this function is “Analyze”.
At this stage, we observe the continuously changing dynamics of the Industry & Society Ecosystem. This function performs the research and analysis of industry trends from varied information points.
Stage – 2 | Function – dtc | Process – Extract
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DTC – “Develop the Cognizance” is the core function defined in 2nd stage. The key process associated with this function is “Extract”.
At this stage, we extract industry insights to develop cognizance of dynamic industry trends. This function forms a complete awareness and intelligence of a modern industry & society ecosystem.
Stage – 3 | Function – ctd | Process – Create
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CTD – “Connecting the Dots” is the core function defined in 3rd stage.
The key process associated with this function is “Create”.
At this stage, we utilize our cognizance to create knowledge and wisdom. This function creates a visualized picture of the forthcoming industrial revolution by connecting the dots of industry trends.
Stage – 4 | Function – coe | Process – Integrate
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COE – “Center of Excellence” is the core function defined in the 4th stage.
The key process associated with this function is “Integrate”.
At this stage, we integrate our knowledge and wisdom into our portfolio of initiatives. This function enables us to improve our capabilities and expertise by integrating the newly created knowledge artifacts.
ROE is the core function defined in the 1st stage. The key process associated with this function is “Analyze”.
At this stage, we observe the continuously changing dynamics of the Industry & Society Ecosystem. This function performs the research and analysis of industry trends from varied information points.
Pearl Zhu
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New technologies are extremely changing industrial production, giving rise to “the factory of the future.” What will the factory of the future be like with respect to its enterprise architecture, emerging technologies, and operations workflow and processes? What enablers and drivers will the enterprise need in terms of strategy, leadership, employee skills & competence, and IT infrastructure to make it a reality? ROE – Research of Ecosystem is about the observe and analyzing the continuously changing dynamics of the Industry & Society Ecosystem.
An Evolution is a one-dimensional aspect and always happens in one direction, Whereas a Revolution is a multi-dimensional aspect and spread in multi directions. Revolution is a combined impact of multiple evolutions that happened in different dimensions and directions. Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 will greatly change the way in which businesses create and capture value and will also transform the future of work and factory of the future. Considering these requirements, RoE - Research of Ecosystem is incorporating Industry 4.0 thinking across all dimensions and directions of research.
In view of this multidimensional aspect of an industrial revolution, RoE is focused on four dimensions of evolution, and these are Technology, Reforms, Economy, and Environment represented in the short form of ti4 - The Industry Four TREE.
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Research on Technology Dimension is about observing the trends in New Emerging Technologies and their impact on Industry & Society. One of the main effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is increased human productivity. Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. With technologies like Cloud, Big Data Analytics, IoT, AI, and automation augmenting our professional lives, we can make smart choices, faster than ever before. Future trends such as climate change, new mobility, and digitalization are major challenges as well as an opportunity.
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Research on Reforms Dimension is about observing the administrative and public policy reforms introduced in various industrial sectors and society in the form of law, regulatory decisions, new governance models, and public policies. Considering the huge impact on industry and society mature public policy is required to empower fourth industrial revolution technologies for shared benefit while protecting our societies from harm or exploitation. Active policymaking must also allow for proactive consideration of ethics and the development or adaptations of laws that govern its use within industry & society expectations.
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Research on Economy Dimension is about observing the trends on Micro & Macro Economic factors and their impact on Industry & Society. The great acceleration in the industrial revolution, particularly during the 20th century, has brought exponential economic growth. The Industrial Revolution shifted from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made solely by hand but by machines. This led to increased production and efficiency, lower prices, more goods, improved wages, and migration from rural areas to urban areas. Technological change affects inequality through jobs, wages, and profits. In the case of Industry 4.0, new technology mainly increases productivity. As companies become more productive, they are also more competitive and more likely to hire higher-skilled workers for better jobs.
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Research on Environment Dimension is about observing the trends in Sustainability along with industrialization and its impact on Industry & Society. This dimension is focused on the sustainability aspects of the forthcoming industrial revolution. The great acceleration in human activity, particularly during the 20th century, has delivered exponential economic growth. Yet, from an Earth systems perspective, the human success story is not so positive. An industrial revolution also presents its own set of risks. We repeatedly hear of studies and warnings on species extinction rates, deforestation, our nitrogen cycle, weather disaster losses, and more. Intensifying all the above is environmental change and the growing risk as the Earth notifies of crossing critical tipping points where major changes to the Earth's system are triggered.
DTC is the core function defined in 2nd stage. The key process associated with this function is “Extract”.
At this stage, we extract industry insights to develop cognizance of dynamic industry trends. This function forms a complete awareness and intelligence of a modern industry & society ecosystem.
Peter Sondergaard
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By developing the cognizance our motive is to extract industry insights. We perform this extraction of insights through different stages of analytics. Analytics have been used in business since the management exercises were put into place. This is about the specialized field of Business Analytics. Business Analytics refers to the skills, technologies, and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning.
Business analytics focuses on developing new insights and understanding business performance based on data and statistical methods. In contrast, business intelligence traditionally focuses on using a consistent set of metrics to both measure past performance and guide business planning. In other words, business intelligence focuses on the description, while business analytics focuses on prediction and prescription.
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Descriptive analytics is the step where we start to collect information from different sources of data. We do this by collecting, consolidating, inventorying, and organizing to provide context for what has happened historically. We can visualize historical sales, revenue, profit margins, operational performance, and other key metrics over time so that we can identify trends and patterns in the data. As these patterns emerge, we can step into the next phase of data science and business analytics.
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Diagnostic analytics make an effort to answer why historical events have happened. This is the phase where data analysts make an attempt to move from hunch to hypothesis. Here, we find relationships between activities and try to prove or disprove our hypothesis theories about why.
Now we are turning data into information, but what do we do with that information? We work to turn it to our advantage. We work to turn it into knowledge. This is a provisional step in the direction of understanding.
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By studying at past trends, we can start to model future activities through trend analysis and correlations. Predictive analytics considers historical data trends for determining the probability of future outcomes. It uses several techniques like data mining, machine learning algorithms, and statistical modeling to forecast the likelihood of events. At each step along the way, we are adding greater and greater value through analytics. We have moved from visualizing the past to understanding why past events happened to now being able to model out the future.
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Prescriptive analytics generates recommendations to handle similar future situations relying on past performances. The ability to glimpse into the future gives companies great power. But sight without action is of little use. Prescriptive analytics considers all possible factors in a scenario and suggests actionable takeaways. This type of analytics can be especially useful when making data-driven decisions. This highest order of analytics is the result of the three prior stages and is where the real power of analytics truly shines.
CTD is the core function defined in 3rd stage.
The key process associated with this function is “Create”. At this stage, we utilize our cognizance to create knowledge and wisdom. This function creates a visualized picture of the forthcoming industrial revolution by connecting the dots of industry trends.
Steve Jobs
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Connecting the dots of Industry Insights & Intelligence requires a multi-dimensional & multi-directional approach. We need to see the organization in a holistic way, to take any decision to initiate a digital transformation program. This point of view requires to consider important business functions and aspects to create a complete picture of an organization's business model, service model, capability model, and capability maturity model.
To create this picture, we need to extract insights & intelligence from different dimensions and directions, which primarily include; Strategic intelligence, Operational Intelligence, Performance Intelligence, and Future Intelligence. Discover the multi-dimensional insights and intelligence from The Institute for The Industry Four. Navigate & explore these dimensions to connect the dots of fourth to the forthcoming industrial revolution.
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Strategy Intelligence is about extracting insights & Intelligence on the influencing factors which impact our decisions to define our strategy and business model. These influencing factors are related to business use cases for digital transformation initiatives. The Strategy Intelligence dimension is centered on that, "what are we going to do?".
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Operational Intelligence is about extracting insights & Intelligence on the influencing factors which impact our day-to-day operations and operating model. These influencing factors are related to business operations to manufacture and deliver products & services. The Operational Intelligence dimension is centered on that, "what are we doing?".
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Performance Intelligence is about extracting insights & Intelligence on the influencing factors which impact our working performance and capability maturity model. These influencing factors are related to the competence and expertise required to run business operations. The Performance Intelligence dimension is centered on that, "How have we done?".
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Future Intelligence is about extracting insights & Intelligence on the influencing factors which impact our organization's future on the pulse of industry trends. These influencing factors are related to observing & analyze the industry hypes & hot topics. The Future Intelligence dimension is centered on that, "How will we keep doing?".
COE is the core function defined in the 4th stage.
The key process associated with this function is “Integrate”. At this stage, we integrate our knowledge and wisdom into our portfolio of initiatives. This function enables us to improve our capabilities and expertise by integrating the newly created knowledge artifacts.
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Center of Excellence is about representing the stage where we integrate our knowledge obtained via earlier stages known as ROE – Research of Ecosystem, DTC – Develop the Cognizance, and CTD – Connecting the Dots. Furthermore, there could be a diversified motive, purpose, and focus area to establish a COE – Center of Excellence. A center of excellence also called an excellence center, is a team, a shared facility, or an entity that provides leadership, best practices, research, support, or training for a focus area. Due to its widespread practice and imprecise description, a "center of excellence" in one context may have completely different characteristics from another. The focus area might be an emerging technology, a business idea or concept a competence area, or a broad area of study.
A center of excellence may also be aimed at revitalizing stalled initiatives or projects. The term may also refer to a network of teams and institutions collaborating with each other to pursue excellence in a particular area. Within an organization, a center of excellence may refer to a group of people, a department, or a shared facility. It may also be known as a competency center, a capability center, or an excellence center. Considering the strategic importance, we have identified the 4 most popular focus areas that commonly establish a Center of Excellence and these 4 focus areas are Transformation Management, Innovation Management, Process Management, and Strategy Management.
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CoE for Transformation Management is focused on establishing an entity to define best practices, framework, guideline principles, governance structure, and execution strategy for the Transition and Transformation programs of an organization. In this focus area, the CoE – Center of Excellence works as a PMO – Project / Program Management Office.
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CoE for Innovation Management is focused on establishing an entity to define best practices, framework, guideline principles, governance structure, and execution strategy for Idea generation and Innovation initiatives of an organization. In this focus area, the CoE – Center of Excellence works as a facilitation entity to foster a culture of innovation.
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CoE for Process Management is focused on establishing an entity to define best practices, framework, guideline principles, governance structure, and execution strategy for the Process Engineering and Process Workflow of an organization. In this focus area, the CoE – Center of Excellence works as an Operational Excellence Program.
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CoE for Strategy Management is focused on establishing an entity to define best practices, framework, guideline principles, governance structure, and execution strategy for diversified purposes and functional areas of an organization. In this focus area, the CoE – Center of Excellence works as a Strategic Change Program for a specific purpose.
Words of Wisdom
FORMULA 4.O - A Space to inspired by Visual Thinking
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
+918884470130, +918884480130